Former Owen Graduate School of Management professor M. Eric Johnson will return as dean beginning July 1, leaving the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.
As Moore and Warren Colleges take shape at the corner of West End and 21st avenues, two award-winning faculty members have been named to lead the new residential colleges that are part of the College Halls at Vanderbilt system.
Vanderbilt University will replace its coal-fired co-generation facility, converting it to burn natural gas to meet the power needs of the university and medical center.
The Vanderbilt University Police Department has established a new unit dedicated to preparing for and managing emergency situations, such as those related to severe weather, large special events, dignitary visits and Vanderbilt sporting events and concerts.
This week on VUCast: Watch how students help save a man and his family. Why women with elite educations opt out of full-time work See how new Dores celebrate getting their “fat envelope”