Giving Day 2019 a success |
More than 7,800 members of the Vanderbilt community joined together to raise over $8.6 million in support of hundreds of areas of the university on Giving Day 2019.
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I Am Vanderbilt: Dennis Spann
When the School of Nursing celebrated its $23.6 million building expansion in late January, the event capped nearly two years of continuous construction. Dennis Spann, administrative officer for VUSN facilities and space, was integral to all of it.
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Psychology Today: Which STEM graduate students become STEM leaders? | |
The latest results of the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth distinguish STEM leaders from non-leaders. David Lubinski, professor of psychology and human development, Camilla Benbow, Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Education and Human Development, and postdoctoral fellow Kira McCabe are mentioned. | | | |
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