Answers to DB5 EXTRA Query exercises ANSWERS FOR seq-exercise-sql_movie_query_extra Movie ( mID, title, year, director ) English: There is a movie with ID number mID, a title, a release year, and a director. Reviewer ( rID, name ) English: The reviewer with ID number rID has a certain name. Rating ( rID, mID, stars, ratingDate ) English: The reviewer rID gave the movie mID a number of stars rating (1-5) on a certain ratingDate. Q1 Answer: Find the names of all reviewers who rated Gone with the Wind. SELECT DISTINCT FROM Reviewer Re, Rating Ra, Movie M WHERE Re.rID = Ra.rID AND Ra.mID = M.mID AND M.title = 'Gone with the Wind' Q2 Answer: For any rating where the reviewer is the same as the director of the movie, return the reviewer name, movie title, and number of stars. SELECT, M.title, Ra.stars FROM Reviewer Re, Rating Ra, Movie M WHERE = M.director AND M.mID = Ra.mID AND Ra.rID = Re.rID gaming the system: /* SELECT 'James Cameron', 'Avatar', 5 */ Q3 Answer: Return all reviewer names and movie names together in a single list, alphabetized. (Sorting by the first name of the reviewer and first word in the title is fine; no need for special processing on last names or removing "The".) SELECT AS Label /* don't need to rename attribute */ FROM Reviewer Re UNION SELECT M.title AS Label FROM Movie M ORDER BY Label /* or title or name */ Q4 Answer: Find the titles of all movies not reviewed by Chris Jackson. SELECT M.title FROM Movie M EXCEPT SELECT M.title FROM Movie M, Rating Ra, Reviewer Re WHERE = 'Chris Jackson' AND Re.rID = Ra.rID AND Ra.mID = M.mID Q5 Answer: For all pairs of reviewers such that both reviewers gave a rating to the same movie, return the names of both reviewers. Eliminate duplicates, don't pair reviewers with themselves, and include each pair only once. For each pair, return the names in the pair in alphabetical order. /* wrong SELECT DISTINCT, FROM Reviewer Re1, Reviewer Re2, Rating Ra1, Rating Ra2 WHERE Re1.rID < Re2.rID AND Re1.rID = Ra1.rID AND Re2.rID = Ra2.rID AND Ra1.mID = Ra2.mID */ SELECT DISTINCT, FROM Reviewer Re1, Reviewer Re2, Rating Ra1, Rating Ra2 WHERE Re1.rID = Ra1.rID AND Re2.rID = Ra2.rID AND Ra1.mID = Ra2.mID AND < /* consider possibility of same-named reviewers — this is most right/complete */ SELECT DISTINCT, FROM Reviewer Re1, Reviewer Re2, Rating Ra1, Rating Ra2 WHERE Re1.rID <> Re2.rID AND Re1.rID = Ra1.rID AND Re2.rID = Ra2.rID AND Ra1.mID = Ra2.mID AND <= Q6 Answer: For each rating that is the lowest (fewest stars) currently in the database, return the reviewer name, movie title, and number of stars. /* Entire query is going to involve Reviewer (name), Movie (title), and Rating (stars) */ /* Simpler subproblem is to find the minimum number of stars */ SELECT, M.title, Ra.stars FROM Reviewer Re, Movie M, Rating Ra WHERE Re.rID = Ra.rID AND M.mID = Ra.mID AND Ra.stars = (SELECT Ra.stars FROM Rating Ra EXCEPT SELECT Ra1.stars FROM Rating Ra1, Rating Ra2 WHERE Ra1.stars > Ra2.stars) /* NOT IN and EXCEPT can be used in similar circumstances */ SELECT, M.title, Ra.stars FROM Reviewer Re, Movie M, Rating Ra WHERE Re.rID = Ra.rID AND M.mID = Ra.mID AND Ra.stars NOT IN (SELECT Ra1.stars FROM Rating Ra1, Rating Ra2 WHERE Ra1.stars > Ra2.stars) Q7 List movie titles and average ratings, from highest-rated to lowest-rated. If two or more movies have the same average rating, list them in alphabetical order. SELECT M.title, AVG(Ra.stars) AVE FROM Movie M, Rating Ra WHERE M.mID = Ra.mID GROUP BY Ra.mID, M.title /* group by mid because it defines the group, and technically */ ORDER BY AVE DESC, M.title /* should include title because it appears alone in SELECT */ /* order of evaluation: FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, SELECT, ORDER BY */ Q8 Answer without HAVING or COUNT: Find the names of all reviewers who have contributed three or more ratings. (As an extra challenge, try writing the query without HAVING or without COUNT.) SELECT FROM Reviewer Re, Rating Ra WHERE Re.rID = Ra.rID GROUP BY Re.rID, HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3 SELECT DISTINCT FROM Reviewer Re, Rating Ra1, Rating Ra2, Rating Ra3 WHERE Re.rID = Ra1.rID AND Re.rID = Ra2.rID AND Re.rID = Ra3.rID AND (Ra1.mID <> Ra2.mID OR Ra1.stars <> Ra2.stars OR Ra1.ratingDate <> Ra2.ratingDate) AND (Ra1.mID <> Ra3.mID OR Ra1.stars <> Ra3.stars OR Ra1.ratingDate <> Ra3.ratingDate) AND (Ra3.mID <> Ra2.mID OR Ra3.stars <> Ra2.stars OR Ra3.ratingDate <> Ra2.ratingDate) Q9 Answer without COUNT: Some directors directed more than one movie. For all such directors, return the titles of all movies directed by them, along with the director name. Sort by director name, then movie title. (As an extra challenge, try writing the query both with and without COUNT.) SELECT M.title, M.director FROM Movie M WHERE M.director IN (SELECT M1.director FROM Movie M1, Movie M2 WHERE M1.director = M2.director AND M1.mID <> M2.mID) ORDER BY M.director, M.title /* SELECT M.title, M.director FROM Movie M WHERE M.director IN (SELECT M.director FROM Movie M GROUP BY M.director HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) ORDER BY M.director, M.title */ SELECT M.title, M.director FROM Movie M EXCEPT SELECT M.title, M.director FROM Movie M GROUP BY M.director HAVING COUNT(*) <= 1 ORDER BY M.director, M.title /* incorrect */ /* SELECT M1.title, M1.director FROM Movie M1, Movie M2 WHERE M1.director = M2.director AND M1.mID <> M2.mID GROUP BY M1.director HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 */ Q10 Find the movie(s) with the highest average rating. Return the movie title(s) and average rating. (Hint: This query is more difficult to write in SQLite than other systems; you might think of it as finding the highest average rating and then choosing the movie(s) with that average rating.) /* SELECT Temp.title, Temp.aveRatings FROM (SELECT M.mID, M.title, AVG(Ra.stars) AS aveRatings FROM Movie M, Rating Ra WHERE M.mID = Ra.mID GROUP BY M.mID, M.title) AS Temp WHERE Temp.aveRatings = 4.5 */ /* a hack */ SELECT Temp.title, Temp.aveRatings FROM (SELECT M.mID, M.title, AVG(Ra.stars) AS aveRatings FROM Movie M, Rating Ra WHERE M.mID = Ra.mID GROUP BY M.mID, M.title) AS Temp WHERE Temp.aveRatings = (SELECT MAX(Temp.aveRatings) FROM Temp) /* problem with scope */ SELECT Temp.title, Temp.aveRatings FROM (SELECT M.mID, M.title, AVG(Ra.stars) AS aveRatings FROM Movie M, Rating Ra WHERE M.mID = Ra.mID GROUP BY M.mID) AS Temp WHERE Temp.aveRatings = (SELECT MIN(Temp.aveRatings) FROM (SELECT AVG(Ra.stars) AS aveRatings FROM Rating Ra GROUP BY Ra.mID) AS Temp ) SELECT M.title, AVG(Ra.stars) AS aveRatings FROM Movie M, Rating Ra WHERE M.mID = Ra.mID GROUP BY M.mID HAVING AVG(Ra.stars) = (SELECT MIN(Temp.aveRatings) FROM (SELECT AVG(Ra.stars) AS aveRatings FROM Rating Ra GROUP BY Ra.mID) AS Temp ) Q11 Find the movie(s) with the lowest average rating. Return the movie title(s) and average rating. (Hint: This query may be more difficult to write in SQLite than other systems; you might think of it as finding the lowest average rating and then choosing the movie(s) with that average rating.) /* same as problem 10, but MAX to MIN */ SELECT Temp.title, Temp.aveRatings FROM (SELECT M.mID, M.title, AVG(Ra.stars) AS aveRatings FROM Movie M, Rating Ra WHERE M.mID = Ra.mID GROUP BY M.mID) AS Temp WHERE Temp.aveRatings = (SELECT MIN(Temp.aveRatings) FROM (SELECT AVG(Ra.stars) AS aveRatings FROM Rating Ra GROUP BY Ra.mID) AS Temp ) SELECT M.title, AVG(Ra.stars) AS aveRatings FROM Movie M, Rating Ra WHERE M.mID = Ra.mID GROUP BY M.mID HAVING AVG(Ra.stars) = (SELECT MIN(Temp.aveRatings) FROM (SELECT AVG(Ra.stars) AS aveRatings FROM Rating Ra GROUP BY Ra.mID) AS Temp ) Q12 For each director, return the director's name together with the title(s) of the movie(s) they directed that received the highest rating among all of their movies, and the value of that rating. Ignore movies whose director is NULL. /* This gives correct answer for sample DB, but its not right*/ SELECT M.director, M.title, MAX(stars) FROM Movie M, Rating Ra WHERE M.director IS NOT NULL AND M.mID = Ra.mID GROUP BY M.director */ /* there can be multiple titles in each group */ /* Gives each Director MAX stars -- a subproblem*/ /* SELECT M.director, MAX(stars) FROM Movie M, Rating Ra WHERE M.director IS NOT NULL AND M.mID = Ra.mID GROUP BY M.director */ SELECT DISTINCT M.director, M.title, Ra.stars FROM Movie M, Rating Ra, (SELECT M.director, MAX(Ra.stars) AS stars FROM Movie M, Rating Ra WHERE M.director IS NOT NULL AND M.mID = Ra.mID GROUP BY M.director) As DirMax WHERE M.director = DirMax.director AND M.mID = Ra.mID AND Ra.stars = DirMax.stars ANSWERS for seq-exercise-sql_social_query_extra Highschooler ( ID, name, grade ) English: There is a high school student with unique ID and a given first name in a certain grade. Friend ( ID1, ID2 ) English: The student with ID1 is friends with the student with ID2. Friendship is mutual, so if (123, 456) is in the Friend table, so is (456, 123). Likes ( ID1, ID2 ) English: The student with ID1 likes the student with ID2. Liking someone is not necessarily mutual, so if (123, 456) is in the Likes table, there is no guarantee that (456, 123) is also present. Q1 Answer: For every situation where student A likes student B, but student B likes a different student C, return the names and grades of A, B, and C. /* SELECT A.ID1, B.ID1 FROM Likes A, Likes B WHERE A.ID2 = B.ID1 AND A.ID1 <> B.ID2 */ SELECT, HA.grade,, HB.grade,, HC.grade FROM Highschooler HA, Highschooler HB, Highschooler HC, (SELECT A.ID1 AS IDA, B.ID1 AS IDB, B.ID2 AS IDC FROM Likes A, Likes B WHERE A.ID2 = B.ID1 AND B.ID2 <> A.ID1) AS Temp WHERE HA.ID = Temp.IDA AND HB.ID = Temp.IDB AND HC.ID = Temp.IDC SELECT, HA.grade,, HB.grade,, HC.grade FROM Likes A, Likes B, Highschooler HA, Highschooler HB, Highschooler HC WHERE A.ID2 = B.ID1 AND HA.ID = A.ID1 AND HB.ID = B.ID1 AND HC.ID = B.ID2 AND B.ID2 <> A.ID1 Q2 Answer: Find those students for whom all of their friends are in different grades from themselves. Return the students' names and grades. SELECT, H.grade FROM Highschooler H WHERE H.ID NOT IN (SELECT F.ID1 FROM Friend F, Highschooler H1, Highschooler H2 WHERE F.ID1 = H1.ID AND F.ID2 = H2.ID AND H1.grade = H2.grade) /* correlated query */ SELECT, H.grade FROM Highschooler H WHERE H.ID NOT IN (SELECT F.ID1 FROM Friend F, Highschooler H2 WHERE F.ID1 = H.ID AND F.ID2 = H2.ID AND H.grade = H2.grade) SELECT, H.grade FROM Highschooler H EXCEPT SELECT, H.grade FROM Friend F, Highschooler H, Highschooler H2 WHERE F.ID1 = H.ID AND F.ID2 = H2.ID AND H.grade = H2.grade Q3 What is the average number of friends per student? (Your result should be just one number.) /* incorrect SELECT AVG(Temp.Cnt) FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt FROM Highschooler H, Friend F WHERE H.ID = F.ID1 GROUP BY F.ID1) AS Temp */ SELECT AVG(Temp.Cnt) FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt FROM Friend F /* we know that friend relation is commutative */ GROUP BY F.ID1) AS Temp Q4 Find the number of students who are either friends with Cassandra or are friends of friends of Cassandra. Do not count Cassandra, even though technically she is a friend of a friend. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT F.ID2 FROM Friend F, Highschooler H WHERE = 'Cassandra' AND H.ID = F.ID1 UNION SELECT DISTINCT F2.ID2 FROM Highschooler H, Friend F1, Friend F2 WHERE = 'Cassandra' AND H.ID = F1.ID1 AND F1.ID2 = F2.ID1 AND F2.ID2 <> H.ID) Q5 Find the name and grade of the student(s) with the greatest number of friends. /* Subproblem SELECT F.ID1 AS ID, COUNT(F.ID2) AS Cnt FROM Friend F GROUP BY F.ID1 */ SELECT, H.grade FROM Highschooler H, (SELECT F.ID1 AS ID, COUNT(F.ID2) AS Cnt FROM Friend F GROUP BY F.ID1) AS Temp WHERE H.ID = Temp.ID GROUP BY, H.grade HAVING Temp.Cnt >= (SELECT MAX(Cnt) FROM (SELECT COUNT(F.ID2) AS Cnt FROM Friend F GROUP BY F.ID1))