Administrative Interview Questions

Before you go to the administrative interview, you might want to write a job description that you imagine might fit/capture the roles and responsibilities of the person you are interviewing. This may also help frame what questions you would like to ask the person. Then after the interview write a more enlightened job description.

These are sample questions:

  1. Interviewee's position and length of time in position. Typical future position.

  2. Unit of the university. Size of the unit. Role of the unit.

  3. History of the unit (changes) and relationship to students.

  4. How would you like to expand/change your unit's role in the university?

  5. What do you think the university's role as a whole is?

  6. What do you think the university should do for students today?

  7. What is your unit doing for students today?

  8. How do you feel students, faculty, etc. perceive your contributions? What would you like to be recognized for? How should your contributions be formally recognized?

  9. Explain who has influenced you most at this university. (Note that this need not necessarily be your favorite person!)

  10. How does your unit interact with the local/regional/national community?

  11. How has technology influenced your job?

  12. How might new technologies change your job over the next 5 years?



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