Teaching Assistant Orientation (TAO) 2002

Below is a description of TAO 2002.

The Center for Teaching (CFT) invites graduate and professional students from all schools and departments to attend TAO in the year they assume teaching duties at Vanderbilt. These duties may include but are not limited to: leading a lab or discussion section, holding office hours, running review sessions, and grading.

2002 Fall TA and ITA Orientation Workshops
Tuesday, August 20, 2002
For NEW Teaching Assistants


9:00-10:00 PLENARY, Furman Hall 114

  1. Welcome, Allison Pingree, Director, Center for Teaching
  2. Welcome, Richard Hoover, Associate Dean, Graduate School
  3. Center for Teaching Staff and Services
  4. A Panel of VU Undergrads Talk about Teaching
  5. F2P2: Future Faculty Preparation Program

10:00-10:15 BREAK (Walk to Calhoun Hall/Divinity School)

10:15-11:45 TEACHING CLUSTER I, Calhoun Hall/ Divinity School
Expectations and Boundaries:  What Do Students and Faculty Expect from TAs?

Refer to table below for cluster and room location

11:45-1:15 LUNCH, Rand Dining Hall

1:15-3:00 TEACHING CLUSTER II, Calhoun Hall/ Divinity School

      1. VU Policies and Resources: Sexual Harassment, Buckley Amendment, Honor Code, Student Learning Disabilities, Teaching Resources
      2. Getting Started Teaching
      3. Tips for 1st Time TAs

Refer to table below for cluster and room location


Teaching Types



Assisting Professors I

Anthropology, Art History, Economics, Psychology, Sociology

Calhoun 117

Assisting Professors II

All Peabody Departments, Owen Graduate School of Management

Calhoun 219

Engineering I

Biomedical, Civil/Environmental, Management of Technology

Calhoun 218

Engineering II

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Calhoun 103

Engineering III

Chemical, Material Science, Mechanical

Calhoun 104

Labs I

Biological Sciences, Cell Biology, Geology

Calhoun 320

Labs II

Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy

Calhoun 204

Leading Discussions/
Own Course

Comparative Literature, English, History, Philosophy, Political Science

Calhoun 423

Leading Discussions

Graduate Department of Religion

Divinity G27

Own Course

Classical Studies, French/Italian, Germanic/Slavic, Spanish/Portuguese

Calhoun 203

2002 Fall TA and ITA Orientation Workshops
Wednesday, August 21, 2002
For NEW Teaching Assistants, All Graduate Students, & Post Docs


9:00-10:15 TEACHING CLUSTER III, Calhoun Hall/ Divinity School
Efficient and Effective Grading, Holding Office Hours
Refer to table above for cluster and room location. 

10:15-10:30 BREAK

10:30-11:45 CONCURRENT SESSIONS I, Calhoun Hall/ Divinity School; see table below for descriptions.

11:45-1:15 LUNCH, Rand Dining Hall

1:15-2:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS II, Calhoun Hall/ Divinity School; see table below for descriptions.

2:30-3:00       SOCIAL, Calhoun Portico (covered area behind Calhoun Hall)

(Wednesday, August 21, 2002)



Assessing Your Teaching Throughout the Year
F2P2 Credit: Teaching and Learning (1.25 hours)
"How is my teaching going?" you might ask yourself at various stages throughout the semester. Learn about techniques and tips for assessing your own teaching using various resources available to you.


Calhoun 203

Challenging Moments: Diffusing Confrontation in the Classroom and Maintaining Authority
F2P2 Credit: Teaching and Learning (1.25 hours)
Have you ever thought about what you will do if you face a difficult teaching moment in your classroom? This session will explore diverse scenarios and possible solutions to handling challenging moments.


Calhoun 320

Diversity in the Classroom: Managing Issues of Race, Gender, Religion, and Ability
F2P2 Credit: Teaching and Learning (1.25 hours)
Students bring a wide range of perspectives and abilities into the classroom that reflect their various cultural, religious, ethnic, and social backgrounds. This session will offer tips for managing the possible issues arising from this diversity.


Divinity G25

Engaging Students in Problem-Solving
F2P2 Credit: Teaching and Learning (1.25 hours)
What are the best practices for teaching with problem-solving and what barriers do students face when solving problems? This session presents strategies for generating interest, motivating, and encouraging students in problem-solving.   


Calhoun 103

Envisioning and Designing Your Own Course: Goals and Objectives, Syllabus, Lesson Plans
F2P2 Credit: Teaching and Learning (1.25 hours)
This session will share tips for planning the semester to help you think through the steps involved in developing course objectives, designing a comprehensive syllabus, and creating daily lesson plans.


Calhoun 423

Increasing Student Motivation and Participation through Active and Collaborative Learning Strategies
F2P2 Credit: Teaching and Learning (1.25 hours)
Explore active and collaborative learning strategies that you can implement in your classroom/lab to engage students. Identify factors that motivate and promote student learning and share ideas for fostering motivation.


Calhoun 219

Leading Effective Class Discussions
F2P2 Credit: Teaching and Learning (1.25 hours)
Leading effective class discussions means incorporating elements that encourage students to talk, crafting questions to provoke thinking, and understanding what inhibits discussion. This session will model best practices in leading discussions while sharing helpful tips.


Calhoun 104

Learning Styles and Group Dynamic in the Classroom Community
F2P2 Credit: Teaching and Learning (1.25 hours)
We all have our own learning style. How can you, as a teacher, create a group dynamic and class atmosphere that acknowledges every student's learning style in your classroom?


Calhoun 117

Strategies for Effective Lectures
F2P2 Credit: Teaching and Learning (1.25 hours)
How can you organize information for a presentation/ lecture, speak with confidence, and get your point across clearly? This session will model and share tips on the art of public speaking.


Calhoun 218

Technology Overview: Using Prometheus, Web Sites, and E-Mail in Teaching
F2P2 Credit: Teaching and Learning or Technology (1.25 hours)
You will be introduced to the main features of Prometheus, web browsers, and email that can be used in teaching. This is not a hands-on session, but instead looks at how technology can enhance teaching and learning.


Calhoun 204

Writing Exams, Quizzes, and Problem Sets -- In All Disciplines
F2P2 Credit: Teaching and Learning (1.25 hours)
Writing effective exams, quizzes, and problem sets can be challenging. Learn how to write different types of questions, as well as how to design and assemble instruments that assess student learning.


Divinity G27




Center for Teaching
1114 19th Avenue South
Peabody Box #183
Nashville, TN 37203
Phone 615-322-7290
Fax 615-343-8111


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